Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Program for the course

First a few words of explanation: albeit the name, decided few years back for this course, the main subject and argument will not be "design". We have realized that basics of design are already being taught within courses such as CBM Concept Design, Creative Producer and the Cross-Media project course. "Design" itself is also not the main focus of our teaching. So this course is developing into an introduction about basic thoughts and tools we think we need to see and think ourselves as actors in the general and vague field of "creative economy". What do we mean with it - why are we interested in it - what could we do about it? Beyond a general attitude of "take the money and run".

We think we need to find a sustainable and intelligent, even critical and creative attitude towards economy, creative business, enterprise. We need to understand the world we live in - because we're about to contribute to it's making.

This course will keep on developing. This year we have arrived at the following program:

27.10 Creative Mind. Taina
Introdcution to the course. A few conceptual insights into creativity and sustainability.

3.11. Creative Society. Tere Waden
Tere will talk about network economy.

10.11 Creative City. Taina
Situating creative economy in the global world.

17.11. "Creative business": Ramine Darabiha
"How to be efficient and lean"

24.11. Creative Alternatives: a panel discussion

To pass the course you will be expected to be present, and active. I have invited some experts to talk: use the possibility and ask them all the questions you have always wanted! When we have the panel, I want students to have prepared some questions (in teams, preferably) for the panelists. And finally I will ask for an essay on a given topic.